Grayscale map of Rilao.
Science of Fiction

Science of Fiction

In 2014, the event was hosted at the USC School of Cinematic Arts in Los Angeles, CA by the World Building Institute welcoming participants to experience Rilao for the first time.

For the first time since its founding by Raymond Lao, the island of Rilao and its contents were revealed to the world. Participants played the RRVP Game to glean visions of Rilao, actualized their ideas into artifacts, and experienced the Rilaoan cuisine (a fusion of Brazilian, Indonesian, and Tahitian cuisines).

Rilao Remote Viewing Protocol cards – possibly the hand dealt for the ‘Wanted Posters’ cyclopedia entry.
RRVP cards – possibly the hand dealt for the Wanted Posters entry.
A district group engaged in the Rilao Remote Viewing Protocol worldbuilding game.
A district group engaged in the RRVP game.
Biayna Bogosian demonstrates her project ‘Disasterometer.’
Biayna Bogosian demonstrates her project Disasterometer.